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Saturday six-word story#2 – Dates

This is in response to The Saturday six-word story prompt by Shweta of ‘My Random Ramblings’.

And the topic assigned this week is Dates, so here is my take on it, I hope you all will like it 😊

1. Another chemo date, her heart wrenched.

2. And on that date, she escaped.

(*chemo=Chemotherapy, radiotherapy )

This is for all the cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the pain they are going through is heartbreaking and beyond our imagination😅😞

You can read both 1 and 2 separately or in continuation too,

Thank you for reading it🙂🙂

For more details regarding it Click here

Posted in POETRY

Hidden Friendships!!!!

Hey guys, I have written this poem, in regard to the THURSDAY POETRY COMPETITION, hosted by H.R.PHOENIX, PENABLE, who is the wonderful author and the topic assigned this week is FRIENDSHIP, so here is my take on it, I hope, you will like it.

You came into my life

Without making any noise

And, I don’t even realize

As I went back in my thoughts and memories

You’re the one who is by my side always

When no one else is there

You held my hand, firmly

You help me through the hard times

and when I am hopeless

You have shown me light

Healed my soul and mind

With all love and care

You have cried with me

And laughed at all the jokes that life has thrown

You have never judged me for anything

Have not ever put me down

And have always made me smile

Whenever you see me in a frown

You always listen, what I want to say

You’re the one, I can always count on

You have kept all my secrets safe, forever

You know all the thoughts that

I don’t share

And understand me like no one else

I have not heard a single word from you

But you speak the most

And I understand them all

Oh, my dear diary!!!!

My dearest friend

I wish you would talk with me

So, even I can know what is going deep inside you

I cherish, the beautiful bond, we share

A unique way of showing care

no expectations

Friendship of trust and compassion

Sometimes, I think you are my inner self

Which we all forget

That is our friendship with ourselves,

our true self

Which we keep hidden deep inside our souls.

©Era Singh


For more details about Thursday, poetry competitionclick here.

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Just A Thought!!!!!

So, I was lately studying viruses and one thing that come to my mind is how much less we know about them, I mean as compared to bacteria, fungi, etc, we don’t have much information about them. Coronavirus might be just the beginning of the chaos. It is not the only virus around, there are still a lot hidden and unidentified and ones that are discovered or identified, we don’t have much information about them.

I still remember, in our 2nd year of M.B.B.S, when MICROBIOLOGY was one of the main subjects, how much less we have about viruses in our textbook except the few most common ones, rabies, and dengue, etc. Even some viruses just have a para or two, and coronavirus genera are one of them, to which current SARS-COV2(new strain) belongs. It was written in the textbook it causes the common cold, 2nd most common cause after rhinoviruses and from University point of view, it was never an important topic to be asked in exams and “we were like, common cold h to KR wata hai, puch Bhi Liya to, like de khud h, itna Jada syllabus hai, Wo khatam ho Jaye ” and when I remember these lines today, I just can’t believe, how this not so important virus has to lead the world on the back foot, that everybody is helpless. And one thing we all should learn never to underestimate anyone.

So, what it can be due to? Is it our ignorance that we don’t do much research on them? Why the government don’t spend money on research work in the medical field? Maybe if more money and time spent on the research of so many hidden microorganisms and even known once, we would have handled the current situation is a much better way. I am afraid, that maybe, it is just the beginning. There are a lot of deadly viruses, that we still don’t know about, that can cause, death within hours, in that sense, coronavirus, does not seem to be that deadly, if we don’t focus on it now, world might end due to the one that can not even survive on their own ( virus need a host for their survival, they just have genetic material and proteins, if we talk in simple language)

Still, there are people, who will think, there are a lot more problems to deal with, but simply answer me, if you are not healthy or if you die, will your that dreams make any sense. yes, there are a lot of other problems, we should focus on them, but why ignore it. And what troubles more, where the youth going, they are more concerned about which is better, TikTok or YouTube?or any other political thing or just the things, I don’t want to talk about here. Seriously, are those things important to you. You have talent, you have a brain, why not to use it in some good way. I am not saying, just go and start research or anything, but you can help in many other ways too.

Just give it a thought, and do share me, what you think, in the comment.

Thank you so much for reading it 😊

Arun was playing outside and enjoying his day when suddenly his mom called him, “someone is coming home today, so be a good boy, ok beta.” He said ok and again went out to play with his friends. After some time, his mom called him again and ask him to say “namaste ” to her, he said, but he doesn’t know who she is and he had not met her before and he sounds confused and afraid. Seeing this, his mom, said, ” beta, she is your dadi(grandmom). He is just 3 years old and as he had not met her before, he asked, maa! Dadi koun hoti hai (who is dadi) his mom answered him, she is the mother of your papa like I am yours.

He innocently asked her, so she too loves papa as much as you love me. She said the mother is the same for every child, she always loves them immensely. He asked her again if that so, Why don’t she live with us? Her mother went speeches. She does not have an answer to his question now.

Well, time passes, and now, Arun is now 12-13 years old but after that day, he has not met his grandmom again. So, one day, he again asked his mom, why don’t we go and meet grandmom and why don’t she come to meet us, are we bad people? His mother, as usual ignored his question but one day, he by chance get to know, his grandmom lives in old age home. He was in shock and now, he knows, the answers to his questions.

He asks his parents, why? What is the reason? His mom, scolded him, for asking such things but he did not stop, at last, his father said, due to some difficulties, we have to take this decision, even, your grandmom agrees on this. He was not convinced at all. The faded face of his grandmom is, again and again, coming in front of his eyes. He said, ok! When you two will grow old, I will do the same, his parents were shocked. It is better, even, I shall do the same, and, you two would agree with me in this.

Now, his parents realized, what mistake they have committed. After saying this, taking the address of old age home, he went there, to bring his grandmom, back again to the home, as he misses her pure love. His parents also ask for forgiveness and yes!! For the love of his grandson, who understood, her pain even at such a small age, which her own children did not, she forgives. Tears of happiness rolled down from everybody’s eyes and they lived happily ever after.

Thank you so much for reading it, have a good day ahead!!!!

P.S. this is my small attempt to write on this topic in the form of a story, I hope you like it, I have tried to keep it as simple and short as possible.

Old-Age Homes!!!!!

Posted in story

Saturday Six Word Story #1- Forever

This is in response to ‘The Saturday Six Word Story Prompt’ by Shweta of ‘My Random Ramblings’.

The prompt for this week is ‘Forever’, and here is my takes on it. I hope, you like them.

1. They live as best friends forever.

2. Silent suffering, forever are rare.

3. She died to live forever.

I do not write stories frequently , I am bad at story writing 😅, just tried to do some justice to the topic assigned as I liked the topic very much, I hope you like it

Thank you for reading!!!!!

For more details regarding it Click here

Posted in POETRY


she is full of illusions
 you will never know about
her charm , her magic
somewhat different from everyone
she is beautiful
yet mad in her own  very ways
she is sunshine with a hint of a moonlight
Her smile has calmness of  the night
she glows in dark like stars
with hope that never dies.
                                        ©Era singh

Posted in POETRY


Between all illusions and realities, life happens
Our perceptions and perspectives are all in mind
The shimmering mirage of mysteries
All fears
All regrets, all experiences
All questions still unsolved
All stories still untold inside us
All anecdotes we live in, and
All delusions we live with
Truth is bitter
Difficult to be accepted
The biggest illusion is time itself
Of this fantasy land    
Illusions of past
Illusions of future and, 
A run from the present where reality resides 
The best is yet to come.         

                                           © Era Singh                                 


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You can not do this? Have you ever look yourself in the mirror, you look fat, ugly, you are not beautiful at all, said, someone. Why don’t you exercise, lose some weight, behave that way, you are a girl, do not do this or do that? You are good for nothing.

Suddenly, she looks around who is saying this to her but no one is seen.

She thought does outer beauty is what that always matter? Why people tend to judge everybody but it is also true, I do not look beautiful at all, far from the society norms, she started feeling depressed again and start eating as eating relieves her stress. She is eating even when she knows she doesn’t have to and this, in turn, causing more depression to her.

Then, came the voice again, don’t listen to her, she doesn’t want you to succeed, you are capable of accomplishing anything you want. Why are you eating this much, you are beautiful, people have to say something, don’t listen to them, everybody, you come across, loves you, don’t you see that, looks don’t matter and why are you torturing yourself please don’t do this to yourself.

Now, she starts becoming more restless, what is happening, is she gone mad, she is actually hearing voices.

These voices are not of people but they are coming from her inner mind. Those are reflections of thoughts that are going in her mind, those two perspectives of society she heard all her life. Nobody asked her, what she wants, everybody want her to become as they like her to see and in this process, she becomes like that, lonely and depressed, who does not love herself or afraid of doing anything, and does not like to talk much and doubt every single person she met and more importantly she lost her true self and she has lost her confidence.

She needs help, but whom to ask, she doesn’t know as sympathy and empathy is different and she does not think anyone can ever understand her or even will try to understand her even once .

Today, mental health has become, one serious issue, and we as a society are very much responsible for it. Why it is difficult to accept someone as they are, why we have to judge someone on their looks, ignoring their rest capabilities, and make them feel undesirable. They, start, self-doubting themselves and we lost one another life to depression, and unknowing what we take as a casual remark can actually cause an adverse effect on someone ‘s mind.

Posted in Hindi poetry, POETRY

ज़िन्दगी इतनी भी बुरी नहीं है

कभी सोचा है तुमने

ज़िंदगी इतनी भी बुरी नहीं है

देखोगे बैठ कर थोड़ा

खुशियाँ अनेकों अभी -भी मिल जाऐगी

हमेशा विषाद जरूरी नही

क्या परिवार का साथ

वो बैठ कर घंटों बात

एक दूसरे को जानने का एक नया अंदाज़

फिर से वो तुम्हरा छत्तो पर आ जाना

वो फिर पतंग उड़ाना

कभी खुद से तो कभी वो प्रकृति के साथ गुफ्तगू

फिर से पुराने शौक का नया आगाज़

और आजकल सब बन गए है हलवाई

क्यों इन छोटी – छोटी खुशियों से

तुम्हारा मन नही हर्षाता

हर बात पर रोना जरूरी नही

खाने को दो वक्त की रोटी है

सिर पर छत्त है

वेतन कम सही

पर मिल तो रहा है

उनसे पूछो जिनके पास इतना भी नहीं है

क्या कुछ ना होने से कुछ होना अच्छा नहीं है

रोने के हजारों बहाने मिल जायेंगे

खुश होने का एक ही काफी है

परिशनियाँ है माना

पर क्या दुखी होने से

वो हल हो जाएगी

तो क्यों ना थोड़ा मुस्कुराया जाए
अब तुम हँसते हुए जियो या रोते हुए

ये तुम्हारे ऊपर है

पर एक बार बैठ कर सोचना जरूर

ज़िन्दगी इतनी भी बुरी नही है ।

©ईरा सिंह

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Can you guess what kind of people you come across in OPD ( OUTPATIENT DEPARTMENT ) in government hospitals? You must be thinking, why Era is asking such a stupid question, obviously, people who come to OPD are sick, in need of any medical help, maybe suffering from any disease or might have come for their routine check-up. Yes, you all are thinking right, but I can even categorize them.

1.Dr.Google’s assistant

These are patients, who follow Dr. google religiously and why not that person sitting there, who have studied for so many years, he actually does not know anything.

I can share one example, so I was sitting in medicine opd during my internship, there comes a lady, I was busy checking the B.p of one of the patients, she comes there and waited, till I got free, then I asked her, what happened? She said, Dr, I have these symptoms, and I have googled it is this disease, and this is the medicine what is the dose and is it is correct, I was in shock, literally shock, I thought to myself, why you come here, Google the dose too, then I told her after a think, calm, although, I want to scream, Mam, I am just junior doctor, and don’t have much knowledge about it, do please go to the sir’s cabin. she went there. Actually, I intentionally want her to go to the sir because he knows how to handle them and instructed us for it too.

2.Over Anxious

So, these patients or their relatives are over thinkers and for them a normal headache is brain tumor or cough is lung cancer, this list can go on. They ask us to write all possible tests available. It, sometimes, becomes very difficult to make them understand, tests are not always needed.

3. Those come with their whole family

So, with them their whole family come with a single person and then begins the real thing, they will ask you so sweetly “ab Iska Bhi check-up krdo”, ” dr Sahab AAP Inka Bhi bp check krdo”, “mere bete ko KAL Raat Ek chkh as gyi the koi dawai bta do “, etc etc. And whether there is a long queue outside still you can not deny them.

4.Silent observers

So, these are not patients, actually, reporters, as they just observe what you are doing, whether we are denying any patient, or have we taken tea and there is a line outside opd room, dr is not even allowed to drink water according to them.

I can share one incidence, so medicine opd timings are 8 am to 2 pm, and it’s already around 3 pm and we all are still sitting in opd, seeing patients, it’s already 1 hr Above and pts are still there, so resident boss asked to close the door as opd has to be shut now and asked the patients to go to the emergency as he is going there for his duty, he does not even deny them treatment, sitting there since morning, have not eaten anything, still, without resting, he asked them to come there, next day, what we see in the newspaper that ” dr ne Kiya opd ka door band ” at least print the truth


These are people who just come to repeat their medicine nothing else

6.old age cuties

They are my personal favorite. They talk with so much care and their blessings always make my day.


They owing to the crowd, steal money, mobile, etc anything

8.simple ones

When they come and go we don’t even know

9.Question Bank

They carry with them a never-ending list of questions and most of them sometimes are totally irrelevant

10.Gossip aunties

So, other than, medicine and treatment, they have an interest in knowing about everything else From where we belong, when will we marry etc etc

And list can go on, will continue in next

I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and not got bored, I does not want to hurt anybody or judging them, it is just for fun, I have written it and all patients are always equal for a Dr.

Thank you for reading it .